Home School Agreement
Manor Primary School Home School Agreement 2023 - 2024
School will do our best to...
- Provide a safe and happy environment for all children.
- Provide children with a high standard of education through a balanced and engaging curriculum.
- Ensure that learning is stimulating and challenging.
- Provide the scaffolding and support needed for children to reach their full potential
- Provide opportunities for children to develop positive social relationships, self-esteem and a sense of responsibility.
- Encourage positive behaviours and support children to learn about unacceptable behaviours.
- Offer opportunities for parents to be involved in the life of the school.
- Communicate information regarding children’s progress and celebrate their achievements.
- Provide age-appropriate homework to support the curriculum.
- Provide information about our school, events, workshops, newsletters, relevant policies and meetings.
Parents will do their best to....
- Ensure that children arrive at school on time and attend at least 95% of the time.
- Ensure that children are dressed in full school uniform that is clean each day.
- Provide daily opportunities for pupils to read at home - promoting a joy of reading.
- Help children to be prepared for lessons by providing PE kit and forest school kit when needed.
- Let the school know of any concerns or worries that may be affecting children’s learning or behaviour, so that this can be resolved quickly.
- Attend meetings with their child’s teacher, aiming to be positive and productive, working towards moving learning forward.
- Support and work with school to support the behaviour management policies of the school.
- Use social media responsibly.
- Use photographs from school events of your child only;
- Discuss the school in a positive light within the wider community;
- Do not discuss children, other than your own.
Pupils will do their best to....
- Come to school regularly and on time.
- Wear my full school uniform with pride.
- Read each day at home.
- Complete my school work and homework to the best of my ability.
- Look after our school and surroundings.
- Follow class agreements and the school rules of ready, respectful, safe.
- Bring the equipment needed for PE and forest school.
- Be an ambassador of our school values (Ambition, Respect, Community, Tenacity, Independence, Courage)
- Represent Manor Primary School in the local community - demonstrating our school motto of Aspire & Contribute.